This has been an exciting week as we have had five new baby goats born.
On Monday, our doe Tova kidded with triplets. This is her second freshening, so we're very excited to see how she milks. Already, she's milking about a gallon a day! She comes from a nice line of heavy milkers, so this is what we expected from her. She had two bucklings and a doeling, so hopefully, her little doeling will grow up to be just like her mother.
On Tuesday and Thursday, we had sisters kid. One had a doeling and one had a buckling. Mommas are doing well...a little shy about getting on the stanchion, but better every day.
We bottle feed our babies, so they bond to humans rather than their mothers. It's a lot of work, but this is the choice that we've made for our farm.
Here's a picture of them all waiting "patiently" for their milk.
Like wellfare! No, they really are beautiful babies.