Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fencin' on Father's Day

Things were a little laid back today, but I did get some fencing done.

Anyone who has goats know that fencing is really a challenge with goats. I've tried quite a few different things and I have settled on cattle panel.

Some people call them stockade panels, some people call them cattle panels. They're four feet tall and 16 feet long; semi-rigid and the holes are smaller at the bottom working to 4'X4' by the time you reach the top.

I like them because I can work with them myself. I've been wiring them to the existing T-posts a little at a time. I have the buck pen finished.

The buck pen is also where we're keeping our LGD (livestock guard dog).

Our "little" Kaia is a Great Pyrenees. We got her a couple of weeks ago, and I cannot believe how big she has become in that short a time. We've been learning as we go along. We have her broke from chewing on the kittens, but, she REALLY likes our chickens a little too much.

I'll try and get a picture of her online tomorrow.

The baby goats are growing every day. We try to have Kaia spend as much supervised time with them as possible.

The older goats are learning to tolerate her, but it certainly has been a slow process.

Tova, my goat that kidded with triplets, is continuing to give about eight pounds a day. My two first fresheners, Clarabelle and Emily, are each giving between two and three pounds a day.

When you keep milk records, you measure the milk in pounds. A gallon of milk is roughly eight pounds; a quart is about two pounds; a half gallon weighs about four pounds, etc. So, between the three of them, I milked a little over 12 pounds of milk today which is a gallon and a half.

I'll close for now. Hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day. We went to his father's house for evening meal. The kids had fun playing with their cousins.

God Bless

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