Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Little Shower

We had a little rain shower last night. According to the radar, there was LOTS of rain all around us, but we only got about .2" right here on the homestead. I would venture a guess that even some of our fields got more or less rain than we did right here at home.

Strange how that can happen.

Otherwise, things were pretty unremarkable on the home front yesterday.

I have two does that I think are going to kid any day now. he he he But, sometimes, "any day now" turns into a month, lol. I thought that with the front going through, that might send one or both of them into labor, but no such luck.

This morning, we're planning on going to Braddock for the celebration there. There's a parade and all kinds of things going on. Hopefully, they didn't get too much rain so it's a mess when we get there. I guess we'll see.


  1. Hi Tamera,

    It looks like the sun will shine after all... We were wondering last night if we'd be watching the parade today while sitting under umbrellas !

    By the way, I like your new blog background!

  2. Tamera, I enjoyed reading your posts. You are an amazing woman! Do you sell your goat milk?

