Sunday, June 28, 2009

Busy Week End

It was a busy week end here with odds and ends being the rule of the day.

On Saturday, we went to the Braddock 125th Anniversary celebration. We went to the parade but didn't stay long.

I'm not really a big fan of parades, but Dana likes them, so we go.

That afternoon, Dana and I hauled several loads of gravel to repair some of the damage done in these wonderful spring rains that we've been having.

We got everything ready to work on gates and fence, and then Sunday morning, Dana got a call.

Seems that the guy who was hired to haul combine Dana sold over the winter was here and needed some help loading the combine and header.

This turned into an eight hour ordeal and Dana wasn't able to work on the gates and fence which was a HORRIBLE disappointment to me.

We did manage to blade the driveway, so that's one thing off our list.

We also had a mishap with the camera, so no pictures for a bit.

Hope you all had a great week end!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Little Shower

We had a little rain shower last night. According to the radar, there was LOTS of rain all around us, but we only got about .2" right here on the homestead. I would venture a guess that even some of our fields got more or less rain than we did right here at home.

Strange how that can happen.

Otherwise, things were pretty unremarkable on the home front yesterday.

I have two does that I think are going to kid any day now. he he he But, sometimes, "any day now" turns into a month, lol. I thought that with the front going through, that might send one or both of them into labor, but no such luck.

This morning, we're planning on going to Braddock for the celebration there. There's a parade and all kinds of things going on. Hopefully, they didn't get too much rain so it's a mess when we get there. I guess we'll see.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday at Our House

Today was somewhat of a strange day.

The beginning was rocky as we LOST two baby goats!!!!

How does one lose two baby goats?

Well, I'm glad you asked.

The girls decided to sleep in the tent on the porch last night and they had taken three of the baby goats into the tent with them. The other two were in the barn.

However, when Olivia went in to feed them this morning, she couldn't find them.

I immediately assumed the worst...that they had somehow escaped and been eaten by coyotes or something equally dire.

Then, I finally settled down and figured out that there was NO WAY they could have escaped from the barn without help. So, I asked my two youngest if they had gone in and let the baby goats out and they finally admitted that they had.

So, we were back to missing baby goats, but at least we knew how they had gotten out of the barn.

We searched EVERYWHERE. We walked the pastures; we looked in the tall grass around the house; we even walked the tree stand.

Finally, my daughters found them snuggled under the and sound.

So, we fed them and finished chores.

Dana decided that today would be a good day for FSA (Farm Service Agency) paperwork. We drove down to Linton, then back home for dinner. Then, we decided to go to Napoleon to do insurance paperwork.

While I was in Napoleon, my friend Sharon called and said that the keets (baby guineas) had arrived in the Post Office in Edgeley and that she was at the hospital with her daughter and would not be able to pick them up. We had made a deal to split an order of keets since you have to order quite a few so they'll survive the shipment. Neither of us need 50 guineas, so we decided to split the order.

Here's a picture of the keets. Aren't they cute!

We brought them home and got them settled in, then Olivia and I finished chores.

As the baby goats had full tummies, they all settled in for a nap.

Three of them had snuggled down.

Then, another one decided that he would sure like to snuggle down with them. "Hey, let me in!"

Finally, he gave up and lay down for a snooze.

So, that was Thursday at our house. How was your day?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Visit From Friends & CAE Testing

Today was a wonderful day! How wonderful to visit with friends!

My friend Endine came to day with her three sons and her beautiful little daughter who was just born last Thanksgiving.

I SO appreciated her because she's so bold and fearless and yet so incredibly kind and giving at the same time.

She is my friend who LOVES to draw blood and she loves to disbud. It doesn't bother her at all. In fact, she gets a great deal of satisfaction from doing a job and seeing it done. AND, she's incredibly good at it.

I keep a closed herd and I test every year for CAE. Last year, I did a biosecurity profile on my goats and tested for several diseases that are commonly found in goats in the United States that are passed from goat to goat and can cause death in goats.

This year, I'm also pregnancy testing some of the goats that should have been bred, but I'm not sure about and also some goats that I bought that were with bucks, but aren't bred for certain. I'm excited to find out the results of those tests as that will tell me what to expect for the rest of the summer, lol.

Well, I suppose that I should go out and milk. I hear Tova calling to me, lol.

Speaking of Tova, I guess I'll post the obligatory udder pics of my Tova. She's looking SO wonderful.

Sleeping In the Tent

My girls received a little tent from their Aunt Diana for Christmas last year. We had it set up in the front room for most of January, but Daddy got tired of that and finally made us take it down. (He's no fun at all, lol!)

But, it's finally getting warm enough that the girls have been asking to sleep outside in the tent and we finally relented a couple of nights ago.

You can't tell since it's draped in sheets, but it's actually a little green tent that looks like a frog.

That's Kaia there on the right. She always looks so sad when she's quiet. I guess that's the look of the Great Pyrenees. When she's up playing with the kids, though she looks more happy.

I wanted to get a shot of them when they slept outside last night. Then, they were on the deck, but I guess they're getting more brave because they slept about 50 yards from the house last night.

Here they are sleeping.

Don't they look like little angels?

Also, here's a shot of several of the adult does.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fencin' on Father's Day

Things were a little laid back today, but I did get some fencing done.

Anyone who has goats know that fencing is really a challenge with goats. I've tried quite a few different things and I have settled on cattle panel.

Some people call them stockade panels, some people call them cattle panels. They're four feet tall and 16 feet long; semi-rigid and the holes are smaller at the bottom working to 4'X4' by the time you reach the top.

I like them because I can work with them myself. I've been wiring them to the existing T-posts a little at a time. I have the buck pen finished.

The buck pen is also where we're keeping our LGD (livestock guard dog).

Our "little" Kaia is a Great Pyrenees. We got her a couple of weeks ago, and I cannot believe how big she has become in that short a time. We've been learning as we go along. We have her broke from chewing on the kittens, but, she REALLY likes our chickens a little too much.

I'll try and get a picture of her online tomorrow.

The baby goats are growing every day. We try to have Kaia spend as much supervised time with them as possible.

The older goats are learning to tolerate her, but it certainly has been a slow process.

Tova, my goat that kidded with triplets, is continuing to give about eight pounds a day. My two first fresheners, Clarabelle and Emily, are each giving between two and three pounds a day.

When you keep milk records, you measure the milk in pounds. A gallon of milk is roughly eight pounds; a quart is about two pounds; a half gallon weighs about four pounds, etc. So, between the three of them, I milked a little over 12 pounds of milk today which is a gallon and a half.

I'll close for now. Hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day. We went to his father's house for evening meal. The kids had fun playing with their cousins.

God Bless

Saturday, June 20, 2009

New Baby Goats

This has been an exciting week as we have had five new baby goats born.

On Monday, our doe Tova kidded with triplets. This is her second freshening, so we're very excited to see how she milks. Already, she's milking about a gallon a day! She comes from a nice line of heavy milkers, so this is what we expected from her. She had two bucklings and a doeling, so hopefully, her little doeling will grow up to be just like her mother.

On Tuesday and Thursday, we had sisters kid. One had a doeling and one had a buckling. Mommas are doing well...a little shy about getting on the stanchion, but better every day.

We bottle feed our babies, so they bond to humans rather than their mothers. It's a lot of work, but this is the choice that we've made for our farm.

Here's a picture of them all waiting "patiently" for their milk.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Starting a Farm Blog

I would really like to share the things that happen on a day-to-day basis at our farm. There are lots of us out there that are doing this now, and it's so fun to see how everyone's farm works differently.

Just a little history...

My name is Tamera and I live in rural North Dakota. I'm a doctor, but I don't practice in an office anymore. Now, I live at home with my four children and we homeschool.

I also have my own farm. (My husband is a farmer/rancher.)

I have dairy goats, chickens, guinea fowl, and kitties galore.

If someone had told me ten years ago that in ten years, I would be home with my four children with a farm of my own, I would have laughed. But, I love my life. It's hard work, but the rewards are AWESOME!

I hope to get this program figured out this week end and then try and blog a little each evening with a picture or two.

Hope you enjoy.