Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Rain, Rain, Rain

It rained all day yesterday; a fine, slow rain, but relentless.

We got about a half inch at home, but we weren't home, we were up to Minot and back.

We got our little Alexzander. (I'd go out and take pics of him, but it's raining really hard right now, he he he.)

So, now we're in the MiniNubian business.

MiniNubians are a smaller version of the full-sized Nubians that we currently have.

You start out by crossing a Nigerian buck with a Nubian doe. You cross for a couple of generations until you end up with a smaller version of the Nubian that gives quite a bit more milk than a Nigerian, but is much smaller than the Nubian...AND eats much less, is easier to handle, etc.

I'm really excited to start breeding this relatively new breed of goats and see how things go. It will be a new adventure.

Hope you're all having a great day.


  1. I wish you well in your new adventures! :) Please post a picture when you can.
